Restoring the urban landscape of Los Gigantes through the sustainable tourism in Santiago del Teide
Santiago del Teide City Council
Santiago del Teide
Financed by
Next Generation EU Funds
The Destination Tourism Sustainability Plan (PSTD) of Santiago del Teide seeks to transform this Canary Islands destination into a benchmark for tourism sustainability. The City Council of Santiago del Teide wishes to stitch together the urban landscape of Los Gigantes through a series of actions in the surroundings of the Barranco de Lermes focused on the regeneration of the physical environment, the improvement of mobility and the renaturalization of the ravine. The plan aims to consolidate Santiago del Teide as a balanced, attractive and responsible tourist destination.
Santiago del Teide is a prominent tourist municipality that, despite its great appeal, faces significant challenges. Coastal overcrowding, the degradation of natural spaces like the Barranco de Lermes, and the tourism pressure ecosystem highlight the need to transform the municipality tourism model. Moreover, inadequate connectivity between urban areas, caused by the municipality’s own orography, creates barriers that promote private vehicle use and hinder the development of sustainable tourism.
Khora leverages its expertise to accelerate and optimize the execution of large projects, ensuring the successful implementation of Santiago del Teide PSTD. Khora not only supports the management and reporting of European Next Generation EU funds but also plays a crucial role in implementing the plan by collaborating with the city council to group and reformulate actions, streamline contracting processes and shorten implementation timelines. Thanks to its approach, Khora supports the City Council in coordinating various municipal areas, ensuring each action complies with the sustainability principles of the PRTR.