Transformation of the historic centre of Los Barrios into an inclusive, diverse and cohesive urban centre
Through the Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI) Integra de Los Barrios, we revitalized the historic centre of the municipality of Los Barrios, Cádiz, to transform it into a catalyst for balanced development in the city, addressing the social, economic and environmental inequalities.
Los Barrios is a municipality characterized by pronounced social, economic and geographic disparities. On the one hand, there is the historic centre, which concentrates municipal services and traditional commerce, alongside a deteriorated neighbourhood with a population at risk of exclusion. On the other hand, the business zone has developed as a hub for the residential, commercial and industrial centres, serving as the activity focus for the entire region. Additionally, the urban sprawl and uneven distribution of leisure and cultural facilities have led to a heavy dependence on private vehicles.
We collaborated with Los Barrios City Council in designing and drafting the EDUSI, by using a holistic approach that integrates the historic centre of Los Barrios through a multidimensional initiative, including digitalization, citizen participation initiatives, pedestrianization, energy efficiency, cultural enhancement, environmental and integral regeneration, addressing commercial, social and physical aspects. This strategy was submitted in 2017 in the third call of ERDF funds of the Ministry of Finance.